Outtake from The Queen of England: Ascension
A little bit of background, Queen Juliette has a lot on her mind as she meets her fiance, the prince of New Catalan. I ultimately cut this scene because it didn’t feel right for Juliette’s character or her relationship with Esetvan, and reworked it into a more diplomatic event.
“Your majesty?” Askew asked, as we all prepared to leave the room.
“There is the matter of your fiancé.”
“He’s arrived?”
“Yes, we went ahead and put him in the quarters you suggested.”
“Impeccable timing,” I answered.
“You have made him aware of much of the events of the past year, yes?”
“I have.”
“You’d be surprised what happens when you let people in, your majesty.”
I looked at Askew’s earnest face, one I had known my entire life. There was the eye patch staring back at me, the salt and pepper hair which had been far less apparent at the start of my reign. Because of me, this man had aged and lost an eye. I cared for Estevan, moreover, I cared for the status of his nation. If something were to happen to him, who would be the future of New Catalan?
Askew put a hand on my shoulder and said, “Or perhaps you deserve some comfort. It has been a very trying number of weeks.”
Suddenly, the thought of a hug or something more as a distraction seemed a very good idea. Without Quick or Cranleigh as an escort (or guardian), I walked the halls to the Belgian Suite. As I walked, I realized any nerves I used to feel about seeing the handsome prince were gone. How silly my past self was. Why, the first time I met Estevan I practically melted in a puddle at his feet and now… Now, he was an equal. Someone I respected, but the reality was that my heart did not belong to him. It became very clear to me that the love of my life was bound for Australia and I was doing everyone a disservice by pretending otherwise. What remained to happen upon Jonathan’s return was something I would have to wait for, but I did no good deed by continuing an engagement that would never happen.
Estevan had traveled with his own guards, but they both bowed as I approached the door.
Knocking lightly, I hoped Estevan would not be cross with my delay. The grandfather clock nearby tolled the time and I realized just how many hours I had made him wait. Would he even see me? Our past few letters had been transactional at best. I still valued his opinions, but like me, we were both busy building our empires, there simply wasn’t time for anything approaching romance.
And yet…
Did we not both deserve comfort? A break of some kind? Some moment when we did not have the weight of an empire bearing down upon us? Could I use Estevan in that manner? Shaking my head, I hoped Jonathan would not seek out female comforts along his trip to Australia and back and told myself to be strong. Although we had not made promises to each other, I hoped…rather, I believed in Cranleigh.
“Your highness?” Estevan said, opening the doors widely. A smile graced his handsome features and he lowered his head to kiss my cheek.
“May I come in?” I asked.
I walked through the doors, and was glad these set of suites had seen a full update. The rooms had the latest technology had to offer. Looking around, I said, “You’ll be glad to know we routinely do a check for any listening devices. It’s part of the cleaning protocols.”
“Very good, Juliette.”
“And in case you were not aware, we’ve rid ourselves…mostly of the New World Order.”
This caught his attention and he asked, “Do I dare want to know?”
“A strong spell, Excalibur and a bit of luck. Apparently, all the members of the group were marked. We simply had to call them.”
“Where are they now?”
“Mostly heading to Australia.”
“Well played.”
“Thank you.” I decided to take a seat – it had been a long day and I was still not fully recovered from my exertions the previous evening. “May I ask you something?”
“Why now? While I am always happy for your visits, I would hate to think you have somehow entered into a dangerous situation.”
“I had to get out.”
I saw his resolve – the perfect mask he put on for court and charming nearly everyone broke slightly. “Yes?”
“There’s so much to do, Juliette. So much that won’t get done. If I had three lifetimes, I don’t think I would be able to finish all that I want to accomplish.”